shocksgo Documentation

This is the documentation for shocksgo.


shocksgo Package


generate_solar_fluxes(duration[, cadence]) Generate an array of fluxes with zero mean which mimic the power spectrum of the SOHO/VIRGO SPM observations.
generate_stellar_fluxes(duration, M, T_eff, R, L) Generate an array of fluxes with zero mean which mimic the power spectrum of the SOHO/VIRGO SPM observations, scaled for a star with a given mass, effective temperature, luminosity and radius.
interpolate_missing_data(times, fluxes[, …]) Assuming times are uniformly spaced with missing cadences, fill in the missing cadences with linear interpolation.
power_spectrum(fluxes[, d]) Compute the power spectrum of fluxes in units of [ppm^2 / microHz].
test(**kwargs) Run the tests for the package.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of shocksgo.UnsupportedPythonError